
Extreme situations such as this present that the agility afforded by forces of power,
and especially those privileged with aerial perspective, are placed in a position of obligatory action.
President Obama justified the actions being taken in Iraq as necessary to prevent genocide,
arguably reflecting Foucault’s primary conditions of biopower, in which a clean division is made between those who are supposed to live and those who are supposed to die.



That “power continually appeals to exception, emergency, and a fictionalized notion of the enemy.
It also labors to produce the same exception, emergency, and fictionalized notion of the enemy.”

This is especially valid within military movements that, even if not in policy,
confirm that the most effective political strategy is the reduction to a binary,
particularly one of good and evil, righteous and morally criminal, in the perpetuation of this laboring.
And according to Foucault, this is how all modern states function.


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